Be There Certificate - WWX LMS

Be There Certificate is an interactive online course built on the WWX stack - Webflow, Wized and Xano. It provides training and education on how to support friends and family who are struggling with their mental health. It is available in three languages.

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Be There Certificate is an interactive online course built on the WWX stack - Webflow, Wized and Xano.

It provides training and education on how to support friends and family who are struggling with their mental health. It is available in three languages. 

Users can register by email & password, or via Google. They can proceed through the course, completing lessons and answering quizzes. 

Upon completion, users receive a Certification in the form of a downloadable PDF.


Previously, the course was built on WordPress, but it was running into issues with bugs, scaling, and adding new content.

We worked with, the creators of the Be There Certificate, to rebuild the entire LMS from scratch using WWX.
